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The Girl-Journalist

Various articles on Tourism, Trade, Agriculture and General Macroeconomic issues.

GMO mealie meal from South Africa Safe

April 16, 2023

THE National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has assured the nation that the mealie meal from South Africa produced from genetically modified maize is safe for consumption.

The Authority is working with other Government institutions to ensure that mealie meal that may contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to be imported and transited through the country is from maize varieties that have been authorised by the NBA. 

The Authority working together with the Ministry of Agriculture, has been notifying anyone importing mealie meal or any other products which may contain GMOs on the need to obtain authorisation from the Authority.

The NBA has conducted risk assessments on maize and soya varieties from South Africa and have been found to be safe for human and animal consumption.

NBA Scientific Advisory Committee Chairperson Sody Munsaka said in a statement yesterday, that the Authority has previously granted permits for products made from GMO maize or which may contain GMOs to various distributors and traders in the country.

“We have conducted risk assessments on soya beans and all maize varieties from SouthAfrica and these have been found to be safe for humans, animals and the environment.

Therefore, all products including mealie meal produced from the assessed maize varieties aresafe for human and animal consumption,” Dr Munsaka said in statement issued by the NBA communications officer Sandra Lombe.

He said among the products containing GMO maize or Soya beans from South Africa that theAuthority has permitted into the country include cornflakes, some soups such as Bisto, premixes, spices, some biscuits, Starch, maize grit and dog food.

Risk Assessment is the process through which the Scientific Advisory Committee ascertains the safety of products before the Authority grants a permit or rejects an application.

"Therefore, we would like to assure the general public that the mealie meal from the assessed maize  by  the  Scientific  Advisory Committee  is safe,  even if it is spilled or  dropped  in  the country or people accidentally consumed it, it cannot cause any harm based on the comfort ascertained through risk assessment," Dr Munsaka said.


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